Monday, May 30, 2011

The Power of Words

The Power of Words

May 27, 2011

By Ken Horn

There is power in the spoken word Š power to build up, or tear down.

Too many people know the reality of destructive words ‹ either through speaking them or hearing them. Some people carry lifelong scars from being subjected to hurtful words.

A friend of mine, as a teen, had longed to please his father. When finally his dad attended one of his sporting events, he hoped to hear much desired words of praise from him.

Instead, on the way home, his father criticized the way he had played. My friend was crushed, and he carried that scar with him well into his adult life.

The Bible has the answer. ³A word aptly spoken,² says Proverbs 25:11 (NIV), ³is like apples of gold in settings of silver.²

The same book says, ³How good is a timely word² (Proverbs 15:23).

As a pastor, I have counseled many people who never or seldom heard the words ³I love you² from the people they cared about the most. What power there is in those words! They ought to be given often and sincerely.

Words of reconciliation, from ³I¹m sorry² to ³I forgive you,² can transform lives.

And how many people long to hear from those they love, ³I believe in you²?

Kind, caring, affirming words spoken to someone make something come alive in them.

We all hold this power.